How to participate in the Business of an invention or innovation patent?
Any business man and / or woman can participate in the economic exploitation of an invention (patent) or innovation (know-how). All you have to do is position yourself on one of the lines of partnerships presented below.
NB: The returns on investment are generally very fast for marketing and are between 2 and 3 years for industrial production.
I. Business contribution
The Business Contribution allows anyone to actively seek funding and / or market opportunities for the exploitation of our inventions and innovations. The Business Provider is remunerated in proportion to the result of its contributions, up to 5% for financing subject to reimbursement and up to 8% for contracts and non-reimbursable funds (grants, aid, etc.). These contributions are made under an opportunity search contract and are characterized by the indication and contribution of business presented as follows:
1. The Business Indication (IdA) means at least obtaining a sufficiently explicit letter of intent from the potential partner (investor, manufacturer, licensee, operator, etc.). Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Agent must be physically present at least for the first meeting made with the potential partner. The implementation of the transaction (conclusion of the contract, fundraising or merger) as well as the continuation of the negotiations are carried out by the Principal.
2 . The Business Provider (AdA) means all the services required for the successful completion of the operation (market contribution, fundraising, etc.), including the preparation of documents, assistance in the management of process of approach and participation in negotiations until the complete completion of the operation in direct relation with the Principal. Special mandates may be issued to the Agent, if necessary, for the conclusion of certain contracts.
II. Co-ownership and License
Apart from Business Contribution by consulting, there are other types of partnerships described below:
JOINT OWNERSHIP : It allows someone other than the owner of the patent to share the ownership of the patent over one or more countries (zone) that they have good control over (Request standard document on the Co-Ownership Regulations, if necessary).
COMMERCIALIZATION LICENSE : It gives the right to its holder to be able to market the products of the patent and / or know-how on the basis of a commercialization license contract (sale, deployment, etc.) Request a standard document on the Marketing license contract , if necessary).
PRODUCTION LICENSE, gives the holder the right to be able to develop and industrially produce the products of the patent and / or know-how on the basis of an industrial production license contract (Request a standard document on the Production license contract, if necessary ).
EXPLOITATION LICENSE , gives the right to its holder to be able to develop, produce and market the products of the patent and / or know-how on the basis of an operating license contract (Request standard document on Operating license contract , if necessary).
Anyone with funds can inject them into the business of an invention or innovation at the level of the (co) owner (s) of the patent / innovation for the development of the exploitation of the patent / innovation. The funds can be a loan, an investment or an equity participation in companies, oriented as follows:
In the licensed companies exploiting the patent for
i. A loan that must be concluded by contract
ii. An investment that must also be concluded by a contract
iii. A capital participation which must be concluded by a purchase of shares
2. In research and development for the improvement of the patent or the development of new patents for
i. A loan that must be concluded by contract
ii. An investment that must also be concluded by a contract
iii. A participation in the property which must be concluded by a co-ownership regulation
The contributions of funds by loan are guaranteed by a co-ownership regulation materialized by shares on the industrial property title, the time of the full repayment of sums loaned with interest as provided for by the regulation.